Faraday Business Park and Solent Airport

With Daedalus identified in its Local Plan as the most important site for employment, since 2015 Fareham Borough Council has invested around £28M in infrastructure to support the site. Of this, around £9.5M has been in the form of grant funding, with the remainder funded from the Council’s reserves, prudential borrowing and a £3.2M Growing Places Loan from Hampshire County Council.

The resulting new infrastructure includes:

  • Refurbishment of the Control Tower
  • Daedalus East Highways and Service Infrastructure
  • Large Hangar and Office
  • A new runway
  • Six business hangars
  • Five general aviation hangars
  • Fareham Innovation Centre (circa £13M + £2M from Solent LEP)
  • A Fuel Farm for resident and visiting aircraft
Business hangars at Daedalus Park
11822 Dadedalus Waterfront

Daedalus Waterfront

Comprising approximately 18 hectares (45 acres), the Daedalus Waterfront site lies to the south of the site and enjoys a seaside location facing the beach at Lee-On-The Solent.

As with the rest of the Solent Enterprise Zone the Daedalus Waterfront site is ideally suited for engineering and manufacturing businesses. With direct access to a marine slipway into the Solent, it should be of particular interest to businesses in the marine sector and those that use the sea to transport raw materials and finished products.

The ongoing vision for Daedalus Waterfront is to provide even more employment space, while bringing the waterfront heritage buildings back into use. This will provide further opportunities for businesses to relocate on this part of the Solent Enterprise Zone, potentially into historic buildings with outstanding architectural quality.

Daedalus Site Map level 0 new (002)

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