August 17th, 2022

Fareham Borough Council is pleased to announce that it is hosting two events to showcase Daedalus – past present and future.

The first event will be an exhibition, looking at the illustrious history of Daedalus, the significant changes which have taken place in recent years, as well as the Council’s ambitious plans for the future.

This exhibition will take place at 4pm on Tuesday 6 September in the Bridge Suite at Fareham Innovation Centre. Those wishing to attend will need book a ticket as the venue has limited capacity. The booking form can be found on the Council’s website here:

The next event directly follows the exhibition and will start at 6pm at the same location. This meeting gives residents the opportunity to find out more about the Council’s vision for the whole of the Daedalus site, including plans to install Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) at Solent Airport. Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward will be joined by Council Officers to answer any questions and tickets for this meeting can also be found using the link above.

Cllr Woodward said:

At our recent CAT meetings we had a number of questions from local residents about Daedalus. Therefore, we promised to hold some events specifically on this topic to answer questions, respond to feedback and showcase this extraordinary site. I encourage local residents to attend and have their say.

Find out more at Fareham Borough Council’s website or call 01329 236 100.